The 16th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology
ICWMT 16 分会信息采集表 |
分会召集人 |
韩凌 (Han Ling) 董亮 (Dong Liang) |
职称/职务 |
韩凌,北京大学,副教授; 董亮,香港城市大学,助理教授 |
联系电话 |
13810856471 13366867041 |
分会时长 |
□半天 □一天 |
分会拟召开时间 |
□6月27日上午 □6月27日下午 □6月28日上午 □6月28日下午 (15:00-17:30) |
召集人简介 |
董亮博士,香港城市大学公共政策学系及能源环境学院助理教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为产业生态学、循环经济、企业环境管理,可持续产业和城市规划。主持、参与国家自然科学基金委及中荷国际合作等多项研究项目,作为核心专家参与日本内阁府“生态城”与“环境未来都市“、日本福岛复兴规划、中荷智慧园区、中韩绿色园区双边合作、欧盟循环经济智库建设等项目,美国能源基金会、联合国亚太经社委员会、韩国工业园区组织、欧洲化学工程师协会等机构在产业绿色转型和低碳城市等方面的咨询专家。担任Elsevier期刊<Cleaner Environmental Systems>和Springer Nature期刊<Circular Economy and Sustainability>副主编。担任国际产业生态学会“可持续城市系统”分会以及“产业共生和区域生态工业发展”分会理事。 |
召集人简介 |
Dr. Ling HAN, associate professor at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University, majoring in environmental planning and management. She has long been engaged in the teaching and research of industrial ecology, environmental management, etc., particularly focuses to the research on waste management, green development, environmental policy, environmental planning, etc.
Dr. Liang DONG is currently an assistant professor at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests are the field of industrial ecology, circular economy, environmental and ecological economics, urban sustainability and their applications in sustainable industrial and urban development. He has engaged in a series of national level sustainable industries and cities projects in EU, Japan and China, as well as being consulting expert to UN-ESCAP, UNIDO, Energy Foundation (USA), Korean Industrial Complex Cooperation (KICOX), European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE), and many local stakeholders of industrial and urban planning section. He is the associate editor for journal of <Cleaner Environmental Systems> (Elsevier) and <Circular Economy and Sustainability> (Springer Nature). He also acts as the board member for “Sustainable Urban System” section and “Industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial development” section under International Society of Industrial Ecology. |
分会主题(中文) |
Theme(英文) |
Towards Inclusive Circular Economy: Transnational Network for Wise-waste Cities (IWWCs) |
分会中文简介(4-5句) |
我国“十四五”期间持续推进无废城市建设并融入“碳中和”等战略需求。发展包容、安全、有韧性和可持续的无废城市是重大挑战。本分会依托国家自然科学基金委和荷兰研究组织合作项目“构建包容性的循环经济:城市智慧减废合作网络”,期待构建国际合作平台,从创新的可持续性分析工具,包容性城市治理理论和方法,深度脱碳和循环的技术系统集成和评估,新兴的智慧基础设施和数据科学应用等方面展示最新的国际经验。 |
分会英文简介(4-5句) |
China will keep promoting zero-waste city in 14th FYP and combines "carbon neutrality" strategy. How to build an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable zero-waste city is a major challenge. Relying on the joint project of the NSFC of China and NWO, The Netherlands, "Towards Inclusive Circular Economy: Transnational Network for Wise-waste Cities (IWWCs)", this session aims to build an international cooperation platform. We will share state of the art international experiences, from the perspectives as: novel sustainability analytical tools; inclusive city and urban governance; deep decarbonized and circular technology system integration and evaluation; as well as emerging smart infrastructure and data science applications. |
报告专家人数 |
8 |
分会语言 |
(□中文 □英文 □中英双语) 注:分会需自行联系会场翻译 |
报告专家1 |
姓名 |
童昕(Tong Xin) |
主旨报告题目 |
New business model for community-based recycling in Beijing: building infrastructure for green behavior |
单位 |
北京大学 |
职称 |
副教授 |
邮箱 |
手机 |
13511032509 |
报告专家2 |
姓名 |
Prof. Martin de Jong a,c,d, (Speaker) |
Martin de Jong
Daan Schraven |
主旨报告题目 |
Use and misuse of city labels: how can we position the circular city? |
单位 |
a Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam b Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md), Section of Infrastructure Design and Management c Erasmus School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam d Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University |
职称 |
Martin de Jong: Professor Daan Schraven: Assistant Professor |
邮箱 |
手机 |
N.A. |
报告专家3 |
姓名 |
Dr. Filippos K. Zisopoulosa,b (Speaker), Dr. Daan Schravenb, |
Filippos K. Zisopoulos |
主旨报告题目 |
An ecological perspective for developing circular urban waste management systems in the EU |
单位 |
a Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam b Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md), Section of Infrastructure Design and Management cErasmus School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam dInstitute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University |
职称 |
Filippos K. Zisopoulos: Researcher Martin de Jong: Professor Daan Schraven: Assistant Professor |
邮箱 |
手机 |
N.A. |
报告专家4 |
姓名 |
骆晓 (Luo Xiao) |
主旨报告题目 |
基于长三角人口动态的固废预测分析 |
单位 |
同济大学 |
职称 |
副教授 |
邮箱 |
手机 |
15000765569 |
报告专家5 |
姓名 |
Dr. Dominika A. Teigiserovaa,b |
主旨报告题目 |
Sustainable Circular Economy of Food Waste |
单位 |
a Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (3Md), Section of Infrastructure Design and Management b Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam |
职称 |
Researcher |
邮箱 |
手机 |
N.A. |
报告专家6 |
姓名 |
Prof. Minoru FUJII |
主旨报告题目 |
Toward carbon neutral plastic circular economy: Comprehensive solution on plastic waste and climate change |
单位 |
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan |
职称 |
Professor, Head of System Innovation Section |
邮箱 | |
手机 |
N.A. |
报告专家7 |
姓名 |
Dr. Yi DOU |
主旨报告题目 |
Opportunities and challenges in sustainable stock management for realizing Zero-Waste Cities |
单位 |
The University of Tokyo, Japan |
职称 |
Researcher |
邮箱 | |
手机 |
N.A. |
报告专家8 |
姓名 |
Dr. Benjamin STEUER |
主旨报告题目 |
Getting the rules right: what is needed for wise waste cities? |
单位 |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Division of Environment and Sustainability |
职称 |
Assistant Professor
邮箱 | |
手机 |
NA |